Manufacturer: Wheat Montana
Ingredients: Flax Seed.
- Flaxseed Meal is freshly milled to preserve the natural oils and nutrients. Flax seeds have a nutty taste and aid with digestive health. This meal is high in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids and can be added to your favorite baked goods, cereals and smoothies for an extra dose of nutrients. About 1/3 of the fiber in flax seed is soluble and 2/3 is insoluble. Flax seed is the best source of lignin, which may play a role in fighting certain types of cancer.
Shelf life is 1 week but of course it is good longer , but the nutrition value declines rapidly. If folks want good nutrition value in flax meal they should buy the whole seed and grind it as needed. It can be ground in a blender. - FAQ – What is the difference between brown and golden flax seeds?
A – The difference is the color. No difference in nutritional value.
The golden looks nicer in baked goods. There is a slight difference in flavor.
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