Good Morning,

Spring is here. The warm sunshine feels wonderful. As I stepped outside the back door on the north side of the store the sun was shining but through a thin layer of clouds, making it slightly overcast, and the air was cool. As I stepped out the front door on the south side I get a different picture. Some clear blue sky can be seen and since I don’t feel the north wind the sunshine feels warm. Whether the sunshine and blue sky or the clouds will take over and win is yet to be seen.

Springtime activities are being enjoyed. Gardens are being tilled, spaded, or plowed and the early things are planted, lawns are green and are being mowed and fields plowed. The cattle have been put out to pasture and enjoy the luscious green grass. Spring cleaning also needs to be done if we enjoy it or not. When that has all be done we always enjoy our thoroughly cleaned houses.

To those familiar with spring greens, weeds/herbs that are edible and healthful, now is the time to enjoy them. Besides the common dandelion, nettles is another one. The fresh leaves can be chopped and added to soups or scrabbled egg/quiche type dishes for an added flavor and nutrition. Be sure to wear gloves when you pick the nettles or you will wish you had.

Birds are returning and as it gets warmer their songs get more animated. It’s exciting to hear the first song of the season as they come back. The Purple Martins with their lively chatter are back. It is amazing to be able to see 80 different species of birds in one day in a radius of approxmately 100 miles, but that is what we did last week.

Garage sale time is coming up. On May 3rd and 4th there will be garage sales along Country Road 201. Anyone might be able to find bargains or treasures.

Then on Saturday, May 6th will be the Ashery’s 38th Anniversary Sale.

Following is a recipe for a granola/energy bar that I found in a magazine that I want to make this week:

Granola Bars

  • 1/3 cup tahini
  • 1/3 cup brown rice syrup
  • 1 Tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 1/4 cup puffed cereal
  • 1 cup quick oats
  • 2/3 cup chopped dates
  • 1/3 cup raw pumpkin seeds
  • 3 Tablespoons uncooked quinoa

Mix together dry ingredients and the wet ingrediants in a separate bowls then pour wet ingredients over the dry ingredients and toss to coat well.

Press into a baking pan and bake at 350º for 10 minutes or until set.

– Have a Beautiful Spring
